Banque d’audios CCINP (très vieux mais la méthode reste la même) : rapport jury CCINP 2023 rapport jury Mines Télécom 2023 Guide épreuves Mines Télécom 2023 témoignages d’é Mines… Read more »
Group A: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 / Group B: The Vietnam War
Group A: McCarthyism / Group B: Al Jazeera’s The Take – Monday’s episode Bring your mock exam papers to work on a correction.
Group A: CNN 10 – Monday’s Episode / Group B: Ford’s Model T Quick test on uncountables & war vocabulary (from Cambridge dictionary’s word cloud)
Group A: Wounded Knee Massacre – Group B: BBC 6 o’clock News (Monday’s episode) Make your own list of vocabulary about war, using Cambridge dictionary’s clickable word cloud.
Group B: The Jim Crow Laws – Group A: NPR News Now NPR News: 03-04-2024 10AM download below:
mini orals: Group A: The American Civil War – Group 2: Al Jazzera – The Take, Monday’s episode (Feb. 5th) Bring your test papers to class for correction discussions (and… Read more »
Mini presentations. Group A: CNN 10 (Monday’s episode) – Group B: The Westward expansion and Manifest Destiny. Vocab test on Space